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© Power V3
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OCEANIA (14 countries)

- Statistics

Population: 42 352 038  (2019)
Density: 5 inhabitants/km2
Surface area: 8,525,989 km2

Analyses Synthesis

OCEANIA is ranked first in the group of continents, except Antarctica. It stands out but with tiny differences, especially on the first reading of 06 21, 2019. The difference being more significant on the last reading of 03 21, 2022 with a difference of +/- 20% except vis-à-vis Africa which has a substantially identical vibratory level. We could hypothesize that all of these "ISLANDS" which compose it, being surrounded by the Oceans: Indian, Pacific, Austral/Antarctic are directly influenced by the energy of the latter which, let us recall, is higher than the level vibration of all the continents: See the last part "TEACHING" of these studies. We extract from this list the 3 countries having over the period the highest and lowest vibratory levels REMINDER From the end of 2021, at the winter solstice, there was a very, very, very significant increase in the vibratory level not only in Oceania but on all continents.

Les (+) Nelle ZEALAND 83/231  Rep. TONGA 82/228   VANUALU 83/223

Les (-) E.F MICRONESIA 80/203 PALAOS 80/209         AUSTRALIA 80/212